Data Structures:
Array: Access O(1), Search O(n), Insertion O(n), Deletion O(n)
Linked List: Access O(n), Search O(n), Insertion O(1), Deletion O(1)
Stack: Access O(n), Search O(n), Insertion O(1), Deletion O(1)
Queue: Access O(n), Search O(n), Insertion O(1), Deletion O(1)
Binary Search Tree: Access O(log n), Search O(log n), Insertion O(log n), Deletion O(log n)
Heap: Access O(1), Search O(n), Insertion O(log n), Deletion O(log n)
Hash Table: Access O(1), Search O(1), Insertion O(1), Deletion O(1)
Linear Search: O(n)
Binary Search: O(log n)
Bubble Sort: O(n^2)
Selection Sort: O(n^2)
Insertion Sort: O(n^2)
Quick Sort: O(n log n) average case, O(n^2) worst case
Merge Sort: O(n log n)
Heap Sort: O(n log n)
Counting Sort: O(n + k), where k is the range of the input
Radix Sort: O(d(n+k)), where d is the number of digits in the maximum number and k is the range of the input
Breadth-First Search: O(V + E), where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges in the graph
Depth-First Search: O(V + E), where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges in the graph
Dijkstra's Algorithm: O((V+E) log V), where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges in the graph
Bellman-Ford Algorithm: O(VE), where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges in the graph
Floyd-Warshall Algorithm: O(V^3), where V is the number of vertices in the graph
Note that these time complexities represent the worst-case scenario, and actual running times may vary depending on factors such as input size and data distribution.