N-Queens Problem - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Adobe, Oracle, Samsung
Subset Sum Problem - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle, Samsung
Rat in a Maze Problem - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Flipkart
Sudoku Solver - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle
Combination Sum Problem - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle
Word Break Problem - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Adobe
Palindrome Partitioning - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle
Permutations - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle
Letter Combinations of a Phone Number - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle
Hamiltonian Path Problem - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle
All Paths from Source to Target - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle
Knight's Tour Problem - Amazon, Microsoft, Google
Expression Add Operators - Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Uber
Generate Parentheses - Google, Amazon, Microsoft
Unique Paths - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle
Wildcard Matching - Amazon, Google, Microsoft
Sudoku Solver - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle
Combinations - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle
Generate Permutations with Repetitions - Google, Amazon, Microsoft
Number of Islands - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Facebook