Mostly asked backtracking problem in interview

Mostly asked backtracking problem in interview

  1. N-Queens Problem - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Adobe, Oracle, Samsung

  2. Subset Sum Problem - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle, Samsung

  3. Rat in a Maze Problem - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Flipkart

  4. Sudoku Solver - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle

  5. Combination Sum Problem - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle

  6. Word Break Problem - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Adobe

  7. Palindrome Partitioning - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle

  8. Permutations - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle

  9. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle

  10. Hamiltonian Path Problem - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle

  11. All Paths from Source to Target - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle

  12. Knight's Tour Problem - Amazon, Microsoft, Google

  13. Expression Add Operators - Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Uber

  14. Generate Parentheses - Google, Amazon, Microsoft

  15. Unique Paths - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle

  16. Wildcard Matching - Amazon, Google, Microsoft

  17. Sudoku Solver - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle

  18. Combinations - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle

  19. Generate Permutations with Repetitions - Google, Amazon, Microsoft

  20. Number of Islands - Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Facebook